Sunday, December 29, 2019

Cassandras Rantâ€Comedic Female Monologue

This funny monologue for actresses comes from an educational comedy play called The Greatest Play Ever Written by Wade Bradford. Written in 2011, the premise of the play is that the narrator attempts to write the greatest play ever by combining all the major literary elements: conflict, genre, character, irony, symbolism. The scene that includes Cassandras monologue is  a comic mash-up that pokes fun at various characters and situations famed in  Greek mythology. The complete script is available at  Heuer Plays.   Character Introduction—Cassandra According to ancient legends, Cassandra could predict the future, yet no one ever believed her. According to Greek mythology, she was the daughter of King Priam and Queen Hecuba of Troy. Legend also has it that Apollo gave her the ability to tell prophecy to seduce her, but when she still refused he cursed her so that no one would believe her prophecies.   She foretold that Pariss capture of Helen would cause the famed Trojan War and the destruction of her city. But since the Trojans welcomed Helen, Cassandra was seen as misunderstood or even a mad woman. Monologue Summary and Analysis In this scene, Cassandra is at a party in the city of Troy. While everyone around her celebrates the marriage of Paris and Helen, Cassandra can feel that something is not right. She mentions: All is twisted and sour—and I am not just talking about the fruit punch. Can you not see all of the signs? Cassandra complains about all of the ominous signs around her by pointing out the ironic behavior of the party guests around her, such as: Hades is the Lord of the Dead, yet hes the life of the party ... Prometheus the Titan  gave us the gift of fire, but hes banned smoking. Ares has made peace with the fact that his brother Apollo isnt very bright ... Orpheus only speaks the truth, but he plays a lyre ... And Medusa just got stoned. The play on words and allusion to Greek mythology creates jokes that tend to be a crowd-pleaser, especially for literature geeks who dont take themselves too seriously. Finally, Cassandra ends the monologue by saying, We are all doomed to die. The Greeks are preparing an attack. They will lay siege to this city and destroy this city and everyone within these walls shall perish by flame and arrow and sword. Oh, and youre out of napkins. The mixture of contemporary colloquial speech and dramatic presentation reserved for Greek plays creates a comedic juxtaposition. Plus, the contrast between the gravity of everyone being doomed to die with the triviality of having no napkins finishes the monologue with a humorous touch.

Friday, December 20, 2019

What Is Intentional Teaching - 1147 Words

What is Intentional Teaching? Intentional teaching is based on using a holistic and purposeful approach to teaching in the classroom. This holistic approach supports students as they work towards skill and content mastery, while also using instructional strategies that develop students’ critical thinking skills and provide classroom environments where students feel safe to express and communicate their ideas about math. Successful intentional teaching begins with planning to meet learning objectives through lessons that engage students in meaningful and relevant learning activities that connect student learning to their interests and real-world applications. Furthermore, lessons developed with intentionality provide students with opportunities to gain deep understanding of mathematical concepts beyond rote memorization and surface level knowledge. Students are aided in developing deep understandings of mathematical concepts through the use of math manipulatives, which provide opportunities for students to model and share their mathematical thinking. In implementing intentional teaching strategies in their math instruction, teachers use thoughtful and purposeful planning to create lessons that meet both the academic and emotional needs of their students. In addition, intentional teaching involves a continuous cycle of assessing student learning, scaffolding through best-practices and reflecting on student thinking and learning to further develop lessons that supportShow MoreRelatedThe Reasons for Student Plagiarism and Ways to Avoid It1150 Words   |  5 Pagesreasons for students’ plagiarism and how can avoid it in maximum extent by education. In the first place, this essay analyzes some possible cause of the phenomenon of students’ plagiarism. 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Thursday, December 12, 2019

Theory Of Leadership And Management Samples †

Question: Discuss about the Theory Of Leadership And Management. Answer: Introduction Establishing new directions or visions for the group members and other employees is the prime role of a leader and the same are expected to be followed by the team members. Whereas, controlling or directing individuals and resources in the group according to the guidelines and principles or the values that have been developed and imposed. Both the terms are connected to each other and also considered as synonyms (Rafnsdttir and Jlusdttir, 2018). A strong understanding should be developed for the concept of leadership as it forms an effective part of management. As being an empirical component of management remarkable leadership behavior stresses upon building an environment under which the employees are expected to develop, advance and excel. A leader is not born it is created by continuous practice, efforts, and skills. Likewise, this file includes a justification of leadership in regards to its importance over management and also trait theory of leadership will be discussed in the further analysis. GE electronics is a very big company wherein there is a requirement of recruiting people as well as appointing them to the best position. So, an illustration of all these factors in this study has been given. Difference between the concepts of leadership and management Leadership and management are considered as interrelated concepts and also forms a significant part of each other. Leadership activities within a business stimulate the management (Fernandes, Arajo and Pereira, 2018). Leadership is the activity that has been defined to have a potential of potential to stimulate and tend the group efforts and make them reach the desired attainments and outcomes. But still it has been observed that there are number of differences in both the terms that is leadership and management and the same has been described for general electric: Leadership Management A leader is one who is a motivator, the one who creates motives for people to work for the achievement of companys goals and objectives (Murphy and Malley, 2017). A manager is one who obligatory form rules and procedures upon which each and every member of the company has to work so as to achieve the goals and objectives. Leadership includes traits upon which a person makes other work for the welfare of an organization like GE electronics. Whereas management is more inclined to follow a formal procedure which has been formed by the top level administration. The department under which some specific operations are taken control by one person who directs and guides others on that. The function under which people works upon the guidelines which are same for all and deliberately imposed to be followed. A leader is chosen by its followers in a majority of the organization. A manager is being appointed by the organization to control and direct people (Song, Park and Kwak, 2018). This is more of an informal as well as a formal function of a company depending on the situation. The administration is formally guided and acted as it is a part of companys procedures and policies. A leader builds trust amongst its people. A manager relies on control majorly. This section relates to leading the people. This relates to managing the personnels in a company. Leadership theory Leadership is an action which is being performed in various manners at several places by people who are not similar to each other (Shumate, Fu and Cooper, 2018). According to these statements, there have been formations of many theories of leadership which are divided according to the style of leadership which is being followed. For example, trait theory, behavioral theory, contingency theory, transformational leadership and charismatic leadership. Amongst these so many styles Trait theory is the oldest this believes that leaders are born not made which s not at all a relevant statement in a current world where people are so talented and vulnerable. Practices make a man perfect and hence, a perfect leader can be outgrown through these practices. Contingency theory would be the best suitable theory in today's scenario where situations are not so promising and confined. Change is a way to survive hence, an organization has to be much defined (Ahmed, 2018). So, contingency theory relates to leading people according to situations which keep on varying. There are changes in every sector of business likewise in GE electronics sector there are several changes which have to be met. Likewise, contingency theory is the most suitable for the organization. In other words, contingency theory is defined as that there is not defined the framework to lead in an organization the leading part of a company is totally dependent upon the situation which arises externally and internally (Farah, 2018). This statement of the theory is very much suitable for the environment in which GE electronics is operating. Formation of a pattern does not define the terms and condition of a situation which may arise out of business operation. To meet such kind of situations contingency theory of leadership must be used for smooth operations of a company. There are several significations of using this theory such as situation is met according to the demand; the company does not depend upon the theoretical approach (Yilmaz, Tanriverdi, and Durak, 2016). It makes the organization ready to deal with any kind of situation big or small, more and more people come forward to as leaders which initiate generation of more leaders for the firm, the firm is enabled to build a strategy which is not at all defeat-able by any means and so on. Effectiveness of the leadership selection and training program As a very big company GE organizes various training sessions for its employees and while these programs are organized many people are appointed to train new people. These people are defined as leaders (Bolman and Deal, 2017). The selection of an employee for the company like GE is a role of a person who possesses very high skill as it requires a lot of experience as well as the examination of the candidate which has to be taken into the company. A leader is a person who is being formed after continuous experience and practice in a particular field of operations. Hence, it is the best person to take advice from while choosing a person for a role in a company. Choosing the best leader depends upon the persons efforts and skills which decide what kind of position this person can possess in GE. According to this training upon the section where a person is not fully equipped is being taken care by the GE administration so as to build the skills which employees are lacking in (Fitriati, 2014). This enhances the effectiveness of the program and is justifiable in terms of policy a firm acquires such as GE. Likewise, while training people skills are required which are being given by leaders who are prompt and very well organized with their knowledge and skills (Burke, 2017). All of these skills and tools contribute directly to the growth of GE. Hence, leadership plays a very important role in training and selecting people for the company. General Electronics is a company wherein the operations are held on a very large scale. So, there is a formation of teams and work is divided amongst those teams which are led by a leader. This leader further can select people for the company as it knows where and what skills are required for the companys operations (Certo, 2018). This is the best of having right people at the right job. A leader can suggest the person for the company through its experience of dealing with people continuously for a long time. As far as training is concerned this is totally related to guiding and making people aware of the changes as well as an introduction to the new employees about the procedures of the firm. So, for this role leader is appointed who can guide and direct those people according to the guidelines of the company so as to have the best human resource in the company. Hence the leadership selection and training program of GR is very effective and inclined towards creating more and more leaders who can stand out of the crowd and train more people to become like them (Fischer et al., 2016). Selection and training program within GE electronics. The selection process of GE is very short but yet very much strict in terms of taking in the right candidate from a pool of applications that they receive. Hence, this justifies the strictness of the firm to have right people at the right job. Every company has criteria and a segment upon which it selects and categories a personnel. The selection program of GE includes the following segments: Written test In this, a person is given a specific topic upon which candidate have to justify certain words (Latham, 2014). This includes the test of plotting and the ability of a person to think over a section of the topic. This helps in knowing what a person thinks by concentrating upon a section of a topic it has been given to write. Technical Interview This is a rejection round in which a person is interviewed on specific criteria and if he/she does not match it then immediately the person is being rejected from the process (Bolden, 2016). Like recruitment is a positive process in that way of pooling in applications this is a negative process where a person is rejected depending upon performance. HR Interview After clearing the technical round the final round is with the HR who is appointed to check whether the person is suitable for GE according to the HR policies and guidelines of the Job description (Lee, 2016). The training program of GE is very specific and inclined towards making it obvious that the people who require training are properly trained and developed in such a manner that in return they develop the organization as well as themselves (Johnston and Marshall, 2016). It includes the overall development of a person who has joined GE in terms of any position. Conclusion In the limelight of the above-executed analysis, it has been inferred that the leadership and management are the two most empirical components for a business organization. These concepts are found to be connected to each other and are also considered an integral part of all the operations and functionalities of a business corporation. It has been concluded by the above report that leadership and management both play important role in a company like GE. There are various theories amongst which contingency theory is most relevant for a current dynamic environment which has also been justified in the above report. A contribution of leadership in selection and training program of a company has also been given in the above study for GE with its training and selection program. References Ahmed, M.S. 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