Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Requirements Elicitation Capturing and Defining Requirements

Question: Discuss about theRequirements Elicitation for Capturing and Defining Requirements. Answer: Item 1 Title: What Exactly Is Requirements Elicitation Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vSXn16qMEZo Discussion: This is a very short video that defines what exactly is requirements elicitation and who are involved in the process. It points of that the process of business analysis can be divided into two broad tasks namely, eliciting and management of requirements that any business solution must meet (BA-EXPERTS, 2016). Eliciting is further divided into sub tasks of gathering, discovering, capturing and defining requirements. Reflection: This video in a very simple language has defined the process of requirements elicitation and how it help the people responsible for defining or are indirectly involved in defining the future of the business. This video helped me learn that requirements elicitation is a complex process that involves challenging tasks. Business analysts must possess strong interpersonal and interviewing skills to successfully perform the process of requirements elicitation. Item 2 Title: Requirements elicitation techniques Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kCJFBmAAvV4 Discussion: This is a business analyst training video that identifies 10 most effective requirements elicitation techniques and briefly describes each of these techniques. Interviews, document analysis, focus groups, observation, brainstorming, process modelling, interface analysis, workshops, prototyping and surveys are 10 requirements elicitation techniques defined by IIBA (Elgendy, 2016). Reflection: This video gives a clear and brief idea about the 10 requirements elicitation techniques. Through this video I have learned some important facts about each requirements elicitation techniques such as, interviews are not effective ways of reaching consensus compared to focus groups which is a more effective way in terms of cost and time saving as it does not require interviewing many different individuals. Item 3 Title: Revisiting Requirements Elicitation Techniques Link: https://research.ijcaonline.org/volume75/number12/pxc3890889.pdf Discussion: This journal article gives an in-depth understand of the requirement elicitation process and different techniques used to effectively manage the process. It defines requirements elicitation as the process of communicating with different stakeholders who will be affected by the new system for discovering, extracting and gathering their requirements (Sharma and Pandey, 2013). Requirements elicitation is referred to as the most important and most critical phase in the requirements engineering process on which the future of new system depends. Reflection: The paper is presented in a very simple language making it convenient for readers to get an in-depth understanding of the topic under consideration. I gained good understanding of traditional, collaborative, contextual, cognitive, and innovative techniques of requirements elicitation and how they can be practically applied in real world scenarios. Item 4 Title: Requirements Elicitation Problems: A Literature Analysis Link: https://iisit.org/Vol12/IISITv12p071-082Davey1929.pdf Discussion: The paper identifies inaccurate or incomplete requirements elicitation process as the primary reason behind the failure of software projects. In most of the software projects failure cases it was realised that the cost of fixing requirements elicitation problems was much higher than other causes of problems (Davey and Parker, 2015). Requirements elicitation problems have been divided into nine categories namely, human aspects of RE, language of human, changes in requirements as project proceeds, irrelevant and unrealistic requirements, inaccurate description of requirements, client unwilling to support, business analysts lack or interviewing skills, non deterministic RE, and reporting of symptoms that are actually not problems. Reflection: This paper gives a clear and in-depth understanding of the challenges and problems that result in failed RE process. I learned a lot about the nine different categories into which different types of RE challenges and problems are divided. The article has used a number of real-life case study examples which helped me in correlating the theoretical concepts I have learned with practical scenarios. Item 5 Title: How to Become More Confident in Requirements Elicitation Link: https://www.bridging-the-gap.com/how-to-become-more-confident-in-requirements-elicitation-confidence/ Discussion: This article defines ways in which a business analyst can behave in a more confident manner during the process of requirements elicitation. It emphasize on the importance of preparing before the elicit process begins. As business analysts it is good to know the basics about the business and the system before starting requirements gathering and communication process with the clients (Brandenburg, 2014). The writer suggests BAs to be present in all eliciting sessions, push themselves to ask more questions and practice eliciting requirements to overcome fear. Reflection: This is a well written article which gives clear and simple suggestions to business analysts on increasing their confidence in requirements elicitation. I learned the importance of prepare, presence, push and practice for making the requirements elicitation phase successful. References BA-Experts(2016) What Exactly Is Requirements Elicitation, [Online], Available: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vSXn16qMEZo [2016]. Brandenburg, L. (2014) How to Become More Confident in Requirements Eliciation, [Online], Available: https://www.bridging-the-gap.com/how-to-become-more-confident-in-requirements-elicitation-confidence/ [2016]. Davey, B. and Parker, K.R. (2015) 'Requirements Elicitation Problems: A Literature Analysis', Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology, vol. 12, pp. 71-82. Elgendy, M. (2016) Business Analyst Training - Requirements Elicitation Techniques (Part 1), [Online], Available: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kCJFBmAAvV4 [2016]. Sharma, S. and Pandey, S.K. (2013) 'Revisiting Requirements Elicitation Techniques', International Journal of Computer Applications, vol. 75, no. 12, pp. 35-39.

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